D&D become proud sponsors of Incredible Feet Jogging Club

We’re delighted to announce our sponsorship of Highland-based Incredible Feet . Incredible Feet are a Highland-based jogging community for anyone affected by cancer. They meet twice a week and anyone and everyone affected by cancer is welcome to go along – whether you have/have had cancer yourself; have been identified as being as genetically at a higher risk of developing cancer; work or volunteer in cancer services or are a friend or family member of someone who has/had cancer.

They jog in nature-rich spaces in and around Inverness, meeting at 10am on Saturdays and 6pm on Thursdays. The meeting point is published a couple of days in advance on the Facebook page or you can contact them direct for more information.

There’s no cost to join and everyone is welcome, whatever your running/jogging experience. You can email incredible-feet@outlook.com or call 07552 971389 to find out more.